In my life, and at Stella Deer, everyday is Earth Day.
That’s because I believe that our everyday actions and lifestyles have a direct impact on earth’s well-being and all the creatures that inhabit it in a very big way.
Here are 3 things you can do to be more eco-friendly. Although they may seem small, taken over all the days, over all the years, they really add up!
1. Use re-useable cloth napkins instead of paper ones. No longer just for special occasions. Use cloth napkins every single day at every single meal to help preserve our forests.
2. Use only 100% recycled toilet paper. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t have a clear conscience knowing that I was wiping my ass (oops, pardon my French) with virgin Amazon Rainforest fibers.
3. Banish the dryer and hang your clothes out to dry. Yes, it requires a little extra work, but this is one of those chores I actually enjoy. I feel like it’s a meditation as I hang the clothes one by one, enjoying the sunshine, the fresh clean air, and the company of GVB, who likes to stalk bunnies while I’m at work. I also love the way my naturally dried clothes smell!