the squirrel twirl – video


Today I wanted to share this funny video I took of GVB barking at a squirrel that was teasing her from up above in an apple tree.  The squirrels do this often, sometimes even “throwing” apples down at her! On the ground she goes crazy, barking, and jumps all around.  It’s so funny to watch.  Though this video doesn’t capture her most animated dance, it gives you an idea of what we call “the squirrel twirl.”

the magic of animals

When you come home to a big fuzzy face and cold wet nose, helicopter tail and pinned back ears, it suddenly doesn’t matter what happened during your day.  Stress can’t exist within the moments of such a jovial reunion.

spring creatures

Spring is a time of new beginnings, the falling away of old and a marching onwards of growth and renewal.  Now’s the time new lives find their way into the world– plants and flowers, and our animal friends too– ducks, chipmunks, geese, birds….  And although beautiful, mother nature isn’t always so forgiving– sometimes it truly is simply survival of the fittest.

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