Something I always loved about the holiday season as a child was the feeling in the air. You know, that feeling. Things just feel good. People are happy, there’s a bit of magic in the air, a special dose of love and peace.

As a tribute to that love I feel in the air I decided to sit down and reflect upon some ways in which we can further embody this love and spread it around for all to see– not just during the holiday season, but all year long.

1 – The old stand-by: being thankful.

Now in this modern day and age where all KINDS of craziness is happening all around us (as it always has, since before we could start recording it!), it can be hard to keep a positive vibe. But I think that’s when we have to turn inside and remind ourselves all that we have to be thankful for.

Being humble and thankful for what you have definitely elevates the love in your heart, and the song you silently sing to others- every single person that crosses your path. (yep, that’s right, whether you know it or not, I believe you’re constantly singing a song for all the world to hear!)

2- Remembering WE are the sole person in control of our actions and our reactions.

Now, it’s hard not to be affected by other people’s energy, or moods. Or to react negatively when someone does or says something negative to you.

I once had a little tea fortune (you know the kind? there’s a little inspirational wordage inside when you open it up) that spelled out something clearly for me in just 3 little words: “ACT DON’T REACT”

I did have to think on it for a minute, before I fully understood.

Oh that’s right, I’m in control of my actions, of my REactions, and I can choose to take the higher road, in certain cases to be the “bigger” person. I have conscious thought, I can choose to have a clear mind; I am not a puppet on a string, I am an aware human being and I can choose to give in to anger or hurt or negativity by reacting in a similar negative way, like a knee-jerk sort of reaction, OR I can catch myself and say Hey wait a minute you’re not the boss of me, I’ll CHOOSE how I want to proceed. I will ACT and not REACT. I’m in control.

3 – Perform random acts of kindness.

I once had to do a project in high school where I had to perform so many “acts of random kindness” during a particular week.

There were easy ways to do that of course, like complimenting someone on their t-shirt or whatever, and you were allowed to get away with so many of those, but the point was to dig a little deeper and really do something more thoughtful and out of the ordinary that would really make someone’s day or make them feel loved and special.

It’s fun to challenge yourself in this way- to do something nice “just because.” Who needs a reason to be kind? Just be kind. And perform a random act of kindness today.

4 – Live by the Golden Rule.

Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Pretty simple, right?

5 – “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

I remember reading this in a book as a child, and I still strive to live by this motto today.

Have something negative to say? Consider not saying it.

Or even better– anytime you can shed a negative and replace it with a positive, you’re moving on up.

(Not that one should ever deny the negative [because obviously it does exist] or try to brush it away, or refuse to look at it. Doing that you’d end up burying so much inside that eventually you’d implode. No, instead, you have to glare at things head on, recognize, acknowledge, and process them, but learn to be able to accept and let go when possible.)

Words hold power, and the words and the weight they carry that you put out in the world shine further than you could ever imagine – so I challenge you: if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.


I believe that when we start to walk the talk and really strive to live by these 5 points (and so many more not mentioned), beautiful things happen. Your heart expands, you feel happier inside and in turn you spread that happiness to others.

Now tell me in the comments below— do you have something you would add to the list? I would love to hear from you!


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